Daily Sales & Inventory Spreadsheet

Retail / Wholesale Business

If you sell physical (tangible) Products, you're a Product Based Business. This includes, though not limited to, Retail & Wholesale Outlets that sell Clothing, Electronics, Equipment, Health & Beauty Products, etc.

Excel Spreadsheet For Recording Daily Sales & Tracking Inventory.

Do you sell Products?

Are you a Store Officer or work in a Store Keeping Capacity?

Or do you just need to monitor your Incoming & Outgoing Inventory & Sales?

If yes, then you need DesignVAT Sales & Inventory Spreadsheet.

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Why You Need An Inventory Tracking Spreadsheet?

One time-consuming task faced by all Product Businesses is monitoring Product Sales; particularly if you sell a variety.

Save Time & Be More Productive

Spreadsheeet Features

Manually recording your business data can be tasking and time consuming particularly if done for multiple Products. This is why you need DesignVAT Daily Sales & Inventory Spreadsheet to automate Inventory Tracking and Record Keeping.

  1. Create Product Database: [Product Category | Product Name | Starting Quantity | Selling Price]

  2. Support for over 100 Products

  3. Monitor Inventory Levels:

    - Track Incoming Products [Restock]

    - Track Outgoing Products [Sales]

    - Monitor Inventory Balance [Difference]

  4. Record Daily Orders

  5. Record Daily Sales

    - Track Who bought What, When and How Much

    - Create a Daily Sales Log to enter daily transactions

    - Filter Daily Sales Log by Month | Quarter | Year | Product Type | Customer

  6. Create Invoices: Can be set to A4 or Letter Size prior to delivery

  7. Create Customer Database

    - Store Customer Contact Details [Full Name | Phone No | Email | Contact Address]

    - Link Daily Sales Transactions With Customers

    - Pull up Customer Transaction History

  8. Generate Monthly Sales Report

    - Track Monthly Income

    - Top Selling Products

    - Top Buying Customers

    - Top Revenue Months

    - Current Month vs Last Month Sales Comparison

  9. Generate Monthly Income Chart

    - View Income Trend: Jan vs Feb vs Mar ... Dec

    - View Monthly Totals Side-by-Side

  10. Generate Point In Time Inventory Balance Report

    - List Sold Out Products

    - Know Products with Low Quantities [Reorder Report]

    - Get Current Inventory Value

8 Years Experience

Daily Sales & Inventory Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet Screens

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