Event Calendar Spreadsheet

Create & Manage Events

DesignVAT Event Planning + Cashflow Spreadsheet enables you easily Create Events, Assign Vendors & most importantly monitor your Business Cashflow.

Create Events & Assign Vendors & Link Customers

Track Vendor Payments, Customer Outstanding

Manage Appointment Diary & Event Summary

Track Income, Expense & Profit

User Friendly

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Why You Need An Event Management Spreadsheet?

Event Planning, in its simplest form, is everything that goes into putting together an Event (the balance), from selecting a Venue, to hiring and negotiating with Vendors.

Save Time & Be More Productive

Spreadsheeet Features

Streamline tons of time-consuming processes and create a centralized calendar that tells you when, where, and why events are taking place.

  1. Create Customer Database

    - Create Customer Profiles [Full Name | Phone No | Email | Contact Address]

    - Supports for over 100 Customers

    - Link Events With Customers

    - Pull up Customer Transaction History

  2. Create Vendor Database

    - Record Vendor Contact Details [Full Name | Phone No | Email | Contact Address]

    - Assign Vendors to Events

  3. Manage Schedules / Event Calendar

    - A Calendar is a useful tool as it helps users schedule & keep track of upcoming Events.

    - Filter the Event Calendar by Month & Year

    - Monitor Customer Payments | Outstanding Balance

  4. Income & Expense Tracking

    - Keep track of Cashflow. Are you spending more than you earn? Unless you measure your performance you won't know if & how you're growing as a Business

    - Track Income per event and measure the profitability.

  5. '
  6. Vendor Payment Tracking

    - The world of Event Planning involves managing Vendor payments and keeping tabs to know which payments are due. Our Electronic Solution simplifies this process.

    - Assign Vendors to Events, know at any point in time the total Vendors you owe, the amount you owe each Vendor and the related Event.

  7. Event Summary

    - Get a detailed overview of each Event, indicating Event details like the Client Name, Event date, Amount Charged & a list of Vendors hired with their respective Costs, Amount paid so far and Outstanding Balance.

  8. Track Business Expenses

    - Define up to 8 Recurrent Expense Categories [Advertising, Salary, Utilities, Office Space, etc.]

    - Track Spending across each Category

  9. Monitor Debtors

    - A Debtor is a person | Company [Customer] that owes you money, usually from Credit Sales

    - Generate Point in Time Debtors List: Showing all Customers that owe you

  10. Monthly Expense Report

    - Generate Monthly Summary across all Expense Categories

    - Filter Report for specific Month | Quarter | Year

  11. Profit & Loss Statement

    - Generate P & L Statement for 12 Calendar Months

    - Generate Expense Summary by Category for each Accounting Period

8 Years Experience

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