Savings & Loans Spreadsheet

For Businesses that Offer Loans

This is an All In One Spreadsheet for managing multiple Customer Savings Accounts.

Record Keeping for Small Cooperatives can be quite tasking due to the number of members & transactions involved. On a Daily basis Cooperative Businesses run several transactions:

Do you collect Ajo | Contribution?

Offer Micro Finance Services [Loans]?

Collect Savings from Multiple Customers?

If yes, then you need DesignVAT Savings & Loans Tracking Spreadsheet

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Why You Need A Loan Tracking Spreadsheet?

Thrift | Ajo | Esusu Collection Business is a Money Collection Business. A Scheme where a group of people come together to each put an agreed sum of money (Daily, Monthly, etc.).

In addition most offer Micro Finance Services - Small Loans and Basic Banking Service (Savings | Withdrawals).

Save Time & Be More Productive

Spreadsheeet Features

DesignVAT Savings & Loan Tracking Spreadsheet is designed to assist Small Business Owners with automating Membership Registration & Report Generation.

  1. Membership Registration:

    - Create Customer Database [Full Name | Phone No | Email | Contact Address]

    - Supports for over 100 Customers

    - Pull up Past Customer Transaction History

  2. Track Savings | Withdrawals

    - Track Daily Customer Savings & Withdrawal Transactions

    - Automatically Calculate Monthly Summaries

    - Calculate Point In Time Customer Account Balance

    - Filter Transactions by Year, Month, Customer

  3. Track Loans

    - Track Customer Loans [Loan Date | Loan Amount | Interest Rate, etc.]

    - Autocalulate Interest Amount

    - Monitor Customer Payments | Outstanding Balance

  4. Record Daily Income

    - Track Income from Other Income Generating Activities (Registration Fees, Late Payment Fees, etc.)

    - Create Daily Income Log to enter daily transactions

    - Filter Daily Income Log by Month | Quarter | Year | Income Type | Customer

  5. Track Business Expenses

    - Define up to 8 Recurrent Expense Categories [Advertising, Salary, Utilities, Office Space, etc.]

    - Track Spending across each Category

    - Filter Expenses by Month | Quarter | Year | Expense Type

  6. Monitor Debtors

    - A Debtor is a person | Company [Customer] that owes you money, usually from Credit Sales

    - Track Credit Sales & Generate Point in Time Debtors List: Showing all Customers that owe you

  7. Generate Monthly Expense Report

    - Generate Monthly Summary across all Expense Categories

    - Filter Report for specific Month | Quarter | Year

  8. Generate Summaries

    - Customer Account Summary

    - Customer Loan Summary for any Specified Period

    - Compare Monthly Spending By Expense Category [Jan vs Feb vs Mar, etc.]

    - Compare Monthly Income [Jan vs Feb vs Mar, etc.]

8 Years Experience

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