This is an All In One Spreadsheet for managing multiple Customer Savings Accounts.
Record Keeping for Small Cooperatives can be quite tasking due to the number of members & transactions involved. On a Daily basis Cooperative Businesses run several transactions:
Do you collect Ajo | Contribution?
Offer Micro Finance Services [Loans]?
Collect Savings from Multiple Customers?
If yes, then you need DesignVAT Savings & Loans Tracking Spreadsheet
Thrift | Ajo | Esusu Collection Business is a Money Collection Business. A Scheme where a group of people come together to each put an agreed sum of money (Daily, Monthly, etc.).
In addition most offer Micro Finance Services - Small Loans and Basic Banking Service (Savings | Withdrawals).
DesignVAT Savings & Loan Tracking Spreadsheet is designed to assist Small Business Owners with automating Membership Registration & Report Generation.
Membership Registration:
- Create Customer Database [Full Name | Phone No | Email | Contact Address]
- Supports for over 100 Customers
- Pull up Past Customer Transaction History
Track Savings | Withdrawals
- Track Daily Customer Savings & Withdrawal Transactions
- Automatically Calculate Monthly Summaries
- Calculate Point In Time Customer Account Balance
- Filter Transactions by Year, Month, Customer
Track Loans
- Track Customer Loans [Loan Date | Loan Amount | Interest Rate, etc.]
- Autocalulate Interest Amount
- Monitor Customer Payments | Outstanding Balance
Record Daily Income
- Track Income from Other Income Generating Activities (Registration Fees, Late Payment Fees, etc.)
- Create Daily Income Log to enter daily transactions
- Filter Daily Income Log by Month | Quarter | Year | Income Type | Customer
Track Business Expenses
- Define up to 8 Recurrent Expense Categories [Advertising, Salary, Utilities, Office Space, etc.]
- Track Spending across each Category
- Filter Expenses by Month | Quarter | Year | Expense Type
Monitor Debtors
- A Debtor is a person | Company [Customer] that owes you money, usually from Credit Sales
- Track Credit Sales & Generate Point in Time Debtors List: Showing all Customers that owe you
Generate Monthly Expense Report
- Generate Monthly Summary across all Expense Categories
- Filter Report for specific Month | Quarter | Year
Generate Summaries
- Customer Account Summary
- Customer Loan Summary for any Specified Period
- Compare Monthly Spending By Expense Category [Jan vs Feb vs Mar, etc.]
- Compare Monthly Income [Jan vs Feb vs Mar, etc.]